Frequently Asked

We’ve answered some of your most popular questions around the
TEC Action Alliance. If you require any further information around
our activity or how to get involved…

Background to the TEC Action Alliance

Why was the TECAA set up?

The TECAA was set up to address a pivotal opportunity to harness technology as never before and to support the delivery of personalised and affordable quality care. These opportunities include those provided by the Social Care & Integration White Papers and much wider opportunities, such as other Government Departments and their agendas, including DLUHC (Levelling Up White Paper), DCMS and BEIS.

In addition, the TECAA develops actions with local Government and the NHS (including through Integrated Care Systems). TECAA also supports activities that care providers can undertake while working with technology providers without needing input from Government (central or local) or the NHS.

The Action Alliance provides a forum where key players can come together and agree on priority areas for joint prioritisation and action.

Are there other examples of Action Alliances?

Yes, the National Dementia Action Alliance was instigated by Alzheimer’s Society after the Government published its Dementia Strategy in 2009. This Alliance was key to achieving a decade of focused national action by the Government, the NHS and social care providers and researchers. It also spurred the Government to host the 2013 G8 Dementia Summit and inspired the creation of local Dementia Action Alliances across the country. The Alliance included a wide range of exciting organisations and was fundamental to achieving a national re-positioning of dementia, including, but also extending far beyond, actions of the Government.

The National Suicide Prevention Alliance brings together cross-sector organisations contributing to suicide prevention. The NSPA was formally constituted in September 2013 but originally evolved from the Call to Action for Suicide Prevention launched in July 2011. The Alliance seeks to facilitate the development and sharing of good practices, as well as encourage members’ collaboration and joint working to affect real change in this area.

Aims and Objectives

What does the TECAA do?

The Alliance reviews existing plans for developing technology enabled care. Its collective voice also seeks to influence those plans and further developments. It achieves this through its shared resources and, where appropriate, commissioned new work (for example, public opinion surveys or joint reports with All Party Parliamentary Groups). Much of the results are delivered through private engagement with Government, local authorities, NHS and corporations. The Alliance also undertakes public-facing activities where appropriate and influences the plans of its members through the insight they gain.

What about user voice?

What added value does it provide for Government and NHS engagement?

Those in the Alliance have a unique forum to debate and co-develop thinking with officials in all Government and NHS Departments across four nations. This can be outside individual organisations’ engagement, for example, around contracts and commissioning. These discussions will include some that are informal and off-the-record to maximise creative engagement.

The organisation of the Alliance

How visible is the Action Alliance?

The Alliance is for the benefit of those who join and participate. It, therefore, has visibility within the broad technology sector, with local and central government and NHS. It will not be designed to have a public presence, though individual organisations might, in their publicity, choose to highlight that they are part of the Alliance. The Alliance maintains a core website but does not have a wider presence, e.g. on social media.

What is its relationship to Government?

It is independent and not constrained by the Government or any other individual plan, but it seeks to stay closely aligned and influence Government thinking. To that end, officials will be invited to meetings of the Action Alliance and Ministers regularly engaged.

What is its relationship to the NHS?

It is independent and not constrained by NHSE/I or any other individual agenda but it seeks to stay closely aligned and influence NHS thinking. To that end, officials will be invited to meetings of the Action Alliance. An area of focus will be to provide guidance and support to ICS to enable them to benefit from technology enabled care.

How is it run?

Its agenda is driven by its members with a fluid structure that can enable SMART delivery on agreed action areas. There are quarterly all-member meetings and a smaller Steering Group will support the delivery of action areas agreed upon at the quarterly meetings. An Annual Meeting is an important showcasing event.

Supporting the Action Alliance is an independent part-time Director reporting to the co-chairs and admin, comms and marketing support is provided by TSA.

Alliance Membership

Who are its members?

Members come from the public, private and voluntary sectors, including individual companies and organisations and umbrella bodies. It is a group that engages industry – not just those traditionally involved in care but also those who now recognise care services as an important part of their overall business (e.g. digital, utilities and telecoms providers). In addition, the Alliance gives voice to service users beyond the usual consultation process in social care. To ensure this is the case, the Action Alliance is co-chaired by a leading figure from the service user communities.

What are the benefits of being a partner?

Partners of the TEC Action Alliance share our ethos of being Stronger Together. We believe we can achieve more by working collaboratively than we can on our own. Our partners are instrumental in defining the work of the TEC Action Alliance and therefore can support the successful delivery of key workstreams that not only benefit themselves but that also benefit the wider sector.

Are there any costs involved in being a partner?

There is a fixed contribution of £10,000 per commercial partner, per annum.

I’m interested, can my organisation become a partner?

All organisations are welcome to express an interest in becoming a partner.

All expressions will be reviewed for suitability on a case-by-case basis, and an invitation to join the TEC Action Alliance will be thus issued to suitable organisations.

There is a limit of up to 15 Commercial partner organisations who contribute to funding the TEC Action Alliance, participating in its activities, and actively supporting its agenda.

Commercial partners are invited from a wide range of businesses interested in technology enabled care, not just those in the existing TSA membership and TEC sector. As well as our Commercial partners, we encourage participation from key bodies in the broader sectors of health, housing and social care, such as charities, membership bodies, and academic associations. These are known as Organisational Partners. These contributions are critical to pushing the TEC Action Alliance’s agenda far and wide whilst ensuring alignment across the entire network.

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